- 性质与规模:用简洁的语言描述公司的性质、规模和主要业务。
- 示例:Shell is a global group of energy and petrochemicals companies with around 92,000 employees in more than 70 countries and territories。
- 成立时间与历史:提及公司成立的时间,以及重要的历史事件和发展里程碑。
- 示例:JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the oldest, largest and best-known financial institutions in the world. The firms legacy dates back to 1799 when its earliest predecessor was chartered in New York City。
- 业务范围:清晰地阐述公司的主要业务领域和经营范围。
- 示例:Royal Philips of the Netherlands is diversified technology company, focused on improving people’s lives through meaningful innovation in the area of Healthcare, Consumer Lifestyle and Lighting。
- 产品或服务:详细介绍公司提供的产品或服务,以及其特点和优势。
- 示例:We(Shell) provide transport fuel to around 10 million customers each day through our 44,000 service stations worldwide. We are working to deliver cleaner burning and more efficient fuels。
- 经营业绩:列举公司的关键业绩指标,如销售额、市场份额等。
- 示例:We (JPMorgan Chase) are a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.4 trillion。
- 荣誉与认证:提及公司获得的荣誉、奖项和认证。
- 示例:In 2006, we attained ISO14001 environmentally management certification。
- 企业文化:描述公司的核心价值观和文化理念。
- 示例:The company will be insisting on the concepts of development by science and technology, surviving by quality, winning clients over by sincerity as well as profits by management。
- 企业愿景:阐述公司的未来发展方向和目标。
- 示例:We (Procter & Gamble) will provide branded products and services of superior quality and value that improve the lives of the worlds consumers, now and for generations to come。
- 联系方式:提供公司的联系信息,如地址、电话、邮箱等。
- 示例:E-mail:, Fax: 123-456-7890, ADD: 123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001, Tel: 123-456-7890。
- 准确性:确保翻译的准确性,避免使用过于低级的词组。
- 文化差异:考虑中英文背后的文化差异,避免直译宣传口号。
- 关键信息:抓住文字表述的关键信息节点,避免翻译空心化。
- 简洁性:避免英文表述的冗长化,保持语言简洁明了。
- 专业翻译:如果可能,选择与专业的国际化翻译公司合作。